24/7 Rescue Hotline: 855-853-7326


It is the illegal trade of human beings through force, fraud or coercion for the purposes of exploitation for labor, sexual purposes, or organs. It is a crime under federal and international law.

Human Traffickers are manipulators for sheer profit. Traffickers keep most, if not all, of the money from the labor or commercial sex acts of another person.

Most Child Victims are trafficked by someone they know or one that pretends to be their ‘new’ friend. However, Traffickers also use social media to target, manipulate and groom their Victims using false promises to build a relationship often under the guise of a romantic relationship.

Buyers are the Demand and Traffickers fill the Demand. The Victims are the Product of this Demand. Unfortunately, we live in an era where pornography feeds an addictive behavior and with a significant increase of acting out these desires, along with the devastation that impacts their lives and others around them … this is all the reality of what is fueling this Demand.

ANYONE! A majority of Sex Buyers are college educated, married, middle-age males with children and have an above average paying job.

The most dangerous MYTH about Human Trafficking is that it is not occurring in your community. Human Trafficking is currently happening throughout the world and has been reported in every state in the U.S. including big cities and small towns.

Reality Check … California has the highest rate of Human Trafficking in our Nation.
The average age of a Victim is 11- 14 years old … and the dangers are that it’s getting younger.